Chinese top diplomat holds phone calls with FMs of Israel and Iran

2024-10-15 Global Times Editor:Li Yan

Chinese top diplomat Wang Yi held phone calls with foreign ministers of both Iran and Israel on Monday. China is highly concerned about the tension between Israel and Iran and believes that renewed conflict and turmoil in the region serves the interests of no one, said Wang, calling for an immediate, complete and permanent cease-fire in Gaza and the release of all hostages.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the remarks during a phone call with Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz. Wang also called for unimpeded access of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Wang said that the international community is deeply worried about the prolonged escalation of conflict in the Middle East.

Noting that all lives are equally precious, regardless of nationality or ethnicity, Wang said that the humanitarian disaster in Gaza must end and that countering violence with violence cannot truly address the legitimate concerns of all parties.

Pointing out that the conflict in Gaza has once again demonstrated that the Palestinian question remains a core issue in the Middle East, Wang said the voices of the international community are clear, which hope all parties return to the political path of a "two-state solution" as soon as possible. Doing so would realize the peaceful coexistence of Israel and Palestine and the harmonious coexistence of the Jewish and Arab peoples. This is the right way to achieve stability and lasting security for all parties, including Israel, Wang said.

Wang said that China is highly concerned about the tension between Israel and Iran and believes that renewed conflict and turmoil in the region serves the interests of no one.

Wang stated that China urges all parties to proceed with caution to prevent falling into a vicious circle. He said China is not self-interested in the Middle East and never engages in geopolitical contest.

As a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, China has always stood on the side of peace, international law, facts and truth, and will continue to play a constructive role in de-escalating the situation and restoring peace in the region, Wang said.

Wang stressed that United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) is mandated by Security Council resolutions to carry out peacekeeping missions, adding that the Israeli side should take concrete measures to ensure the safety of UNIFIL personnel.

The two sides also exchanged views on China-Israel relations. Katz said that developing relations with China is an established policy in Israel and serves the common interests of the two countries, adding that the Israeli government abides by its consistent position on the Taiwan question.

Wang said that China maintains continuity and stability in its policy toward Israel and is willing to resume exchanges in all aspects as soon as possible when the situation eases and promote the sustainable development of the innovative comprehensive partnership between the two countries.

Wang said he hopes the Israeli side will take effective measures to ensure the safety of Chinese institutions and nationals in Israel.

Wang also had a phone call with Iranian Foreign Minister Seyyed Abbas Araghchi on the same day.

The two sides spoke highly of China-Iran relations, emphasizing a commitment to maintaining exchanges at all levels and promoting practical cooperation.

Araghchi said Iran is deeply concerned about the risk of an overall escalation of the current regional situation and does not want to see a further expansion of conflict.

Iran highly values China's influence in international affairs and is willing to strengthen communication and coordination with China to cool down the situation through diplomatic means, Araghchi said, adding that Israel should avoid taking risks and proceed cautiously.

Wang said that the negative impacts of the current Gaza conflict are clearly spilling over, and regional tensions are escalating continuously.

China has always advocated resolving hot spot issues through dialogue and consultation and opposes exacerbating tensions, expanding conflicts and taking military adventures, Wang said, calling on all parties to make more efforts to safeguard regional peace and stability.

Wang said that China will proceed from the merits of the issue, strengthen communication among all parties, build a broader international consensus, and pool the strengths of all parties.

Wang said that China is pleased to see the Iranian government carry out mediation diplomacy, enhance understanding with relevant parties and improve relations with regional countries.

China supports the historic reconciliation between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and is willing to jointly push for a positive outcome from the second meeting of the China-Iran-Saudi Arabia Trilateral Joint Committee to consolidate the momentum of reconciliation between Iran and Saudi Arabia and inject positive energy into regional peace and stability, Wang noted.

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