AI's rise sparks new professions, reshapes employment landscape

2024-06-05 China Daily Editor:Li Yan

Meteoric growth of $70 bln industry spawns fresh job opportunities

Completing the jigsaw of artificial intelligence requires a helping hand from humans, which is creating innovative professions and reshaping the employment landscape in the digital age.

As China's AI industry continues its meteoric rise, it's not just technology that's evolving — new job opportunities are blossoming in tandem.

Last year, the market size of the industry reached nearly 509.7 billion yuan ($70 billion), according to iResearch. The soaring demand for jobs such as data annotators, virtual face designers and virtual architects highlights a crucial intersection where human skills complement machine capabilities.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security received over 430 proposals last year for new occupations, more than double the number in 2021. About a quarter of these were closely tied to the digital economy, intelligent manufacturing, information technology and modern services. The newly recognized professions will be announced by the ministry in June.

"In the future, society will become increasingly virtual and digital," said Wang Youwei, a professor of information management and business intelligence at Fudan University in Shanghai. "The industrial revolution freed people from repetitive physical labor, and generative AI is expected to solve repetitive mental labor. This will inevitably create new job opportunities."

Wang elaborated on one example. "In content production-related jobs, such as document writing, and customer services that involve questions and answers, large models might eliminate some repetitive mental jobs. However, as these models can provide incorrect or illogical outputs, jobs involving judgment and monitoring of generated content will become more important."

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