Ningbo noon school offers alternative to night classes

2024-07-23 China Daily Editor:Li Yan

Participants learn to make handicrafts at an intangible cultural heritage handicraft class of the Youth Noon School in Ningbo, Zhejiang province, on June 28. (Photo provided to CHINA DAILY)

Enrollment in night schools has surged in recent years, but in Ningbo, Zhejiang province, a new educational initiative aims to address the needs of those who cannot attend evening classes due to other commitments.

The 81890910 Ningbo Talent Service Hotline, launched on April 19 under the guidance of the Talent Office of the Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and the city's human resources and social security bureau, received a call in early May from a young mother named Liu Jie. Liu inquired about the possibility of attending daytime classes, explaining that her responsibilities at home with her child prevented her from participating in night school.

The call set the wheels in motion for a new educational project.

Responding to the need, the Ningbo Talent Development Group quickly developed a proposal for a Noon School project aimed at young people. The Youth Noon School opened at the Ningbo Talent Comprehensive Service Center on June 28.

After it opened, the Youth Noon School offered six courses with 240 spots in just half a month, attracting 4,622 applicants. The first courses included human resources training related to career development, photography and video editing skills courses, and intangible cultural heritage handicraft workshops. Classes are held regularly at fixed times and locations during weekdays, with each lasting 45 minutes.

Liu, an entrepreneur and researcher originally from Anhui province, was among the first batch of students.

"During the day, I'm a researcher in the lab, and at night, I'm a stay-at-home mom," she said. "I moved to Ningbo five years ago for work and have little time for social activities due to my busy schedule… As a newcomer to Ningbo, I truly feel the city's dedication to supporting talent, making my entrepreneurial journey less lonely."

Located in the Zhejiang Innovation Center, a provincial talent and technology park housing nearly 200 enterprises with over 2,500 employees, the Youth Noon School provides a convenient venue for employees to enrich their leisure time without traveling far.

Ye Jia, assistant manager of the operations management department at the Ningbo Talent Development Group and co-initiator of the Youth Noon School, said the primary beneficiaries are young professionals like Liu and other young entrepreneurs in the park.

The initiative has received enthusiastic responses and support from various departments. The Ningbo Women's Activity Center was the first public service institution to offer classes, and several street and community organizations have expressed interest in collaborating.

"Recently, we co-hosted a yoga class with the Ningbo Women's Activity Center, catering to young female professionals," Ye said.

Ye added that the Talent Development Group, a State-owned enterprise in Ningbo, is committed to providing public services for talented individuals.

"Participation in the Noon School is completely free for students," Ye said. "We provide initial funding and a public space, and we plan to continue and expand the Noon School based on the needs of young professionals, introducing specialized instructors and service brands to create a platform for learning, self-improvement and exchange."

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