(100 great changes) Chinese people receive better education over past decade

2022-12-21 Ecns.cn Editor:Ji Xiang

China has a large population living in the vast territory. However, there is a big difference in education penetration rate between the east and the west, and between urban and rural areas. How to promote equality and balanced development of education has been a problem in China for a long time. Education is a primary task that is crucial for generations to come. Upholding education as a priority and promoting educational equality is an important strategic thought proposed by the Communist Party of China Central Committee.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, China has taken major measures, such as promoting balanced development of compulsory education, improving conditions of schools with less capacity for compulsory education in poor areas, and enhancing the all-round quality of compulsory education.

The central government has invested more than 400 billion yuan ($57.4 billion) in total, and the local governments have invested over 1 trillion yuan ($143.4 billion) to solve problems, such as less-developed rural areas and crowded urban areas, narrowing the gap in school conditions between urban and rural areas.

"Developing education that meets the people's expectations" is never an empty promise. Over the past decade, the scale of high schools across the country has been expanding. In 2021, the total number of high schools reached 14,600 with a gross enrollment rate of 91.4%. The number of students increased to 26.1 million. The central and western regions gained the highest growth so that more students were capable of receiving high school education. The report to the 20th CPC National Congress pointed out that we will continue to follow a people-centered approach to developing education, move faster to build a high-quality educational system, advance students' well-rounded development, and promote fairness in education.

To satisfy people's expectations of receiving better education, China will continue to push forward poverty alleviation through education and take a solid step up to a higher level of educational equality.

General Producers: Yu Lan Hu Fang

Producer: Wu Qingcai

Executive Producer: Zeng Nai

General Directors: Chen Xingang Wang Kai

Chief Editors: Cao Hangyu Ma Xueling

General Coordinators: Zhao Anyuan Ren Shuai Zhu Na

Translator: Tang Xuan

Screenwriters: Deng Shi Zhou Junsong

English Reviewers: Qi Yiling Zhou Jing

Voice Actor: Tang Xuan

Publicity Directors: Wang Shanshan Fang Min Zhou Jing

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