Seasons Through Birds' Eyes | Lixia

2024-05-05 中国新闻网

Time never stands still. 

It's time to bid farewell to spring and welcome "Lixia". As the first solar term of summer, Lixia marks the beginning of the season. 

Parting with spring does not bring much sorrow, as summer comes with enthusiasm. Life grows more abundantly until it reaches its fullest. 

And that's not enough. What else can match such enthusiasm? It must be the hope of growth. Time flows in no hurry. The sun and moon shine in turn. Timely rain and wind are also favourable to growth. The hope can be seen every day and even be felt with each gentle breeze. 

Time does not tell us how long such enthusiasm can last, but it surely teaches us that it's never wrong to grow vigorously with hope. 

During the increasingly splendid summer days, 

may the warmth be worthwhile, 

may life be vibrant and dynamic, 

may hope remain earnest, 

And may love and goodness always arrive as promised. 

(Jointly produced by China News Service and Dalian News Media Group)


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