The Source Keeper Season 2 | Episode 1: The circle of life


The Guoluo Mountain, which falls within the Bayankala Mountain Range, is believed to be the birthplace of various tribes in Guoluo, where the Yellow River begins.

Walking in the magical fairyland, the dense vegetation and scattered lakes are the microcosm of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. Generations of people rooted and dedicated here grow old, but the protection of this pure land remains unchanged. 

Banma County belongs to Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province. The mountain ranges crisscross within the region with a forest coverage rate of 32.36 percent. There are a total of 2,037 grassland, forestry and wetland stewards in the region. After years of countless repetitive patrols, the ecological guardians embrace all things with their hearts and take the world in their sight. 

The documentary offers a glimpse of the stories of the source guardians who remained steadfast at their posts for years to protect the ecological environment.


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