Seasons Through Birds' Eyes | Xiaoshu

2024-07-06 Editor:Liu Xian

After the Summer Solstice, the Slight Heat, or Xiaoshu season, sets in, ushering in scorching heat and frequent rainfall. 

Like a prelude or a precursor, Xiaoshu marks the onset of the hottest stretch of summer although it is not yet the dog days. Despite fluctuations in the weather, the vibrant chorus of summer songs remains unchanged. 

Although Xiaoshu has not reached its peak scorching temperatures, the lengthening days offer ample light or opportunity for people to pursue their long-held desires. 

During this solar term, the heat intensifies, occasionally accompanied by storms. It may bring discomfort, which could also be seen as another manifestation of gifts from nature. 

The abundance of nature may not be sufficient without the delight. Moreover, it is worth noting that the discomfort may not always be inherently negative. 

Amidst the discomfort, there lies a hint of tranquility and tolerance in the solar term of Xiaoshu, which acts as a catalyst for the growth and prosperity of all things. What was once pondered upon becomes visible. 

All past experiences are woven with threads of joy and sorrow. We can only say that time bestows upon us these experiences. 

Eventually, we come to realize that the unforgettable moments reside in the present. 

(Jointly produced by China News Service and Dalian News Media Group)


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