Music has no borders: U.S. students find devotion in traditional Chinese music


After one week of intense and diligent rehearsal, college students from China and the U.S. received a thunderous applause following a stunning concert performance. The U.S. students, who are on their first trip to China, are experiencing the country firsthand through a cultural exchange program at the Xiamen campus of Huaqiao University. 

Jakob Young, a student from Middle Tennessee State University, said that Chinese music, which has been played and passed down for centuries, is more fulfilling and emotional. During the rehearsals, he became acquainted with the Chinese students, with whom they played dozens of Chinese classical ensembles together.

Shane Spurgeon, who is also from Middle Tennessee State University, played erhu in the orchestra, a Chinese traditional two-stringed bowed musical instrument.

In their spare time, the students embarked on a journey of exploring guqin, an ancient Chinese musical instrument, with Han Mei, director of the Chinese Music and Culture Center at Middle Tennessee State University. Hoping the U.S. students would walk out the window and explore themselves, Han said the group of students made her proud.

Music has no borders, Zeng Shanni, director of the office of International Exchange and Cooperation of Huaqiao University, said, adding that she hopes the U.S. students can see the beauty of traditional Chinese music through this event.

(Reported by Li Siyuan; Edited by Ma Yuxuan)


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