
All coronavirus patients in Hubei's forestry district discharged from hospital

2020-02-17 21:36:16Xinhua Editor : Gu Liping ECNS App Download
Special: Battle Against Novel Coronavirus

Another two patients of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) were discharged from hospital Monday in the Shennongjia forestry district in central China's Hubei Province, the epicenter of the outbreak.

So far, all the 10 confirmed cases in the Shennongjia forestry district have recovered and been discharged from hospital, making it the first region currently having no confirmed or suspected cases in Hubei.

As of Sunday, no new confirmed cases had been reported in Shennongjia for 13 consecutive days. A total of 101 close contacts had been traced and two are still under medical observation.

Hubei reported 1,933 new confirmed cases and 100 new deaths Sunday. The latest report brought the total confirmed cases in the hard-hit province to 58,182.


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