
France sees further drop in COVID-19 hospitalizations

2020-05-24 08:07:21Xinhua Editor : Mo Hong'e ECNS App Download
Special: Battle Against Novel Coronavirus

France on Saturday reported a further decline in COVID-19 hospitalizations, nearly two weeks after the government eased lockdown measures to return to normalcy.

As of Saturday, 17,178 people are being hospitalized for COVID-19 infection, 1,665 of them in intensive care units. The figures are down from 17,383 and 1,701 respectively a day before, according to data released by the Health Ministry.

The country's last COVID-19 death toll, released on Friday, stood at 28,215. An updated tally will be unveiled on Monday, said the ministry.

The French government has eased a two-month lockdown in the wake of decelerating positive cases and improved situations in hospitals. Since May 11, people have been allowed to move freely without justification; schools and shops have reopened.

The Ministry of Interior on Saturday announced further easing in restrictive measures, allowing religious ceremonies and gatherings. But it recommended worshippers to wear masks, respect one-meter distance and wash their hands.

The government had said it would consider new restriction measures if the virus hits back and infects more than 3,000 people per day. 


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