
Envoy: Wise options open to Canada for mutual ties

2020-07-24 10:19:43China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China's ambassador to Canada said his country does not require Canada to make an "either-or decision" between China and the United States in the case of detained Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou.

Cong Peiwu said he believes Canada has enough wisdom to engage in cooperation with China while properly handling its relations with the US, which is seeking Meng's extradition from Canada.

China's top envoy to Canada made the comments in a webinar hosted last week by the Canada China Business Council, or CCBC, in which he highlighted the business opportunities for foreign investors as China moves from its 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) to 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25).

"There is no fundamental conflict of interests between China and Canada," said Cong. "Both China and Canada are committed to developing their economies and improving people's lives, and share a wide range of common views on issues such as safeguarding multilateralism and free trade, supporting the United Nations, the World Trade Organization and the World Health Organization, and tackling climate change."

The relationship between the countries deteriorated after Meng, Huawei's chief financial officer, was arrested by Canadian police in December 2018, in response to the extradition request from the US. Canadian companies have since been caught in the crossfire of the US' trade conflict with China.

Saying that Canada should not be used as a pawn in the trade conflict, the Green Party of Canada last week called on the federal government to demand that the US drop all criminal charges against Meng and withdraw the extradition request.

Resilience, confidence

"I hope that the Canadian side would make a right decision for their own interests as soon as possible, correct the mistake, properly resolve the biggest obstacle in China-Canada relations, and bring bilateral relations back on the right track, thus unleashing the great potential of cooperation between the two countries," Cong told the Canadian and Chinese business figures.

Asked about the economic situation in China after the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic, Cong responded with two key words: Resilience and confidence.

"I do believe that there is broad consensus and huge room for cooperation between our two governments and the business circles in this regard," Cong said.

"The sound development of China's economy and many economic measures taken by China at present and in the future will certainly provide a large number of opportunities for China and Canada to deepen economic and trade cooperation."

The CCBC's executive director, Sarah Kutulakos, said the chamber's members are focused on market access. "Without restriction, I am happy to see some of the new opportunities highlighted by the ambassador making the market access easier. Hopefully the development and expansion of free trade will help our business community."


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