
Speaker in U.S. state legislature criticizes lawmaker for racist term

2021-04-14 Editor : Cheng Zizhuo ECNS App Download
Special: Battle Against Novel Coronavirus
People take part in a rally against racism and violence against Asian Americans at city hall in San Francisco, the United States, March 27, 2021. (Xinhua/Wu Xiaoling)
People take part in a rally against racism and violence against Asian Americans at city hall in San Francisco, the United States, March 27, 2021. (Xinhua/Wu Xiaoling)

Ryan Fecteau, house speaker for the US state of Maine, criticized Republican lawmaker Representative Michael Lemelin for calling the COVID-19 virus the "Chinese virus" in an email to an educator, AP reported on Tuesday.

Ryan said the coronavirus descriptor used by Michael is "a racist trope" that was "offensive and wrong", though whether lawmakers are accountable or not depends on voters' responsibility ultimately.

Lemelin also downplayed the impacts of the pandemic in the email concerning his signature on a letter asking for easing restrictions on full-time school, saying, "People need to stop running to the doctor and getting tested at the first sign of illness."

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