
Improving electoral system will open new chapter of good governance in Hong Kong: central gov't spokesperson

2021-05-27 18:41:53Xinhua Editor : Zhang Mingxin ECNS App Download

A Chinese central government spokesperson on Thursday commended the passage of a bill by the Legislative Council (LegCo) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) to improve Hong Kong's electoral system.

The spokesperson for the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council said the endorsement of "Improving Electoral System (Consolidated Amendments) Bill 2021" -- which contains amendments to local electoral laws -- marks the full completion of the local legislative work on improving the HKSAR's electoral system.

The move is another institutional achievement in ensuring law-based governance in Hong Kong and will open a new chapter of good governance, said the spokesperson.

Making local laws to improve Hong Kong's electoral system will plug the loopholes in the existing system and help eliminate chaos seen in previous elections, said the spokesperson.

The passing of the bill demonstrates the sense of responsibility of the HKSAR government, the LegCo and various social sectors in upholding the constitutional order, the spokesperson said, commending the new trend of Hong Kong's executive authorities and legislature engaging in positive interaction.

The newly adopted bill, along with the national security law for Hong Kong, and the public servants' oath and allegiance system, has further established the new order of "patriots administering Hong Kong," said the spokesperson.

The new order will ensure the steady and sound development of Hong Kong's democratic political system, according to the spokesperson.

On the upcoming elections of the Election Committee, the LegCo and the Chief Executive of the HKSAR, the spokesperson said relevant departments of the central government will support the HKSAR government in organizing elections in accordance with the law, strictly regulating electoral activities, and cracking down on various illegal acts that disrupt the election order.

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