
'Action' -- highlight of Xi's remarks at G20 Rome summit

2021-11-01 15:56:23Xinhua Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download

Action is the much-emphasized message in Chinese President Xi Jinping's remarks delivered at the G20 Rome summit held over the weekend.

In the past two days, G20 heads of state and government as well as their counterparts from invited countries, and representatives of some of the main international and regional organizations discussed a wide range of issues including pandemic response, economic recovery, climate change and sustainable development.

Calling on the world to jointly tackle global challenges, Xi said in his remarks via video link that taking concrete actions is the key.

As the Chinese saying goes, "Honoring a promise carries the weight of gold." In dealing with these global challenges, China has not only called for actions but also taken the lead to act, demonstrating a sense of responsibility as a major country.

China took new steps forward at the summit such as proposing a Global Vaccine Cooperation Action Initiative and an international forum on resilient and stable industrial and supply chains, among others.

The highlights of Xi's remarks are as follows:

-- China has provided over 1.6 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines to more than 100 countries and international organizations, and will provide over 2 billion doses to the world during the course of this year.

-- China is ready to work with all parties to enhance vaccine accessibility and affordability in developing countries and make a positive contribution to building a global line of defense through vaccination.

-- China welcomes the International Monetary Fund's decision on the new allocation of Special Drawing Rights totaling 650 billion U.S. dollars, and stands ready to lend the new allocation to low-income countries that are seriously affected by COVID-19.

-- A people-centered approach must be taken to make global development more equitable, effective and inclusive, so that no country will be left behind.

-- Forming exclusive blocs or even drawing ideological lines will only cause division and create more obstacles, which will do no good but only harm to scientific and technological innovation.

-- China will honor its words with actions and work with all countries to pursue a path of green, low-carbon and sustainable development.

-- China reiterated its goals to peak its CO2 emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. It will support qualified localities, industries and enterprises to take the lead in peaking CO2 emissions.

-- The developed countries should honor their funding commitments to developing countries to help them cope with climate change.

-- The Chinese side has recently proposed the Global Development Initiative, calling on the international community to accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to promote more robust, greener and healthier global development.

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