
Chinese envoy calls for advancement of electoral process in Libya

2021-11-24 13:28:51Xinhua Editor : Cheng Zizhuo ECNS App Download

A Chinese envoy on Tuesday called on all parties in Libya to overcome their differences and advance the electoral process.

For some time in Libya, the cease-fire has been generally maintained and preparations for the Dec. 24 elections have continued to advance, said Dai Bing, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations.

China encourages all parties to resolve their disputes over the elections through dialogue and other peaceful means, he told the Security Council meeting on the work of the International Criminal Court (ICC) concerning Libya.

"We call on all foreign forces and mercenaries in Libya to complete their withdrawal as soon as possible in accordance with the relevant action plan so as to create favorable conditions for the political process in Libya," he said.

Noting that China's position on the Libya-related matter before the ICC remains unchanged, Dai said China expects the ICC to follow the principle of complementary jurisdiction as stipulated in the Rome Statute in handling the Libya issue, respect Libya's judicial sovereignty, and play a positive and constructive role in advancing the peace process and national reconciliation in Libya. 


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