
China-developed UAV completes marine meteorological observation test

2021-11-27 19:54:30Xinhua Editor : Liu Yimeng ECNS App Download

The China-developed Wing Loong-10 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has completed a scientific research and experiment test mission on marine meteorological observation, announced the developer on Saturday.

On Saturday morning, the Wing Loong-10 UAV carried out collaborative observations on cloud systems over the ocean, temperature and humidity profile distribution, surface wind fields, and other meteorological factors, said the Aviation Industry Corporation of China, Ltd. (AVIC), the country's leading aircraft maker.

During the whole process of the mission, all systems of the Wing Loong-10 UAV were in good condition with all payloads working well, said the AVIC.

The Wing Loong-10 is a model of high-altitude and high-speed UAV systems. It features high-speed, high-altitude, reliable systems, safe performance, and convenient and efficient deployment, enabling the UAV to meet diverse demands from customers.


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