
'Summit for democracy' will go down in history as democratic manipulation: FM spokesperson

2021-12-09 08:41:26Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

The true face of the United States seeking hegemony under the guise of democracy has long been exposed, and the so-called "summit for democracy" will only go down in history as democratic manipulation, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said Wednesday.

Spokesperson Wang Wenbin made the remarks at a daily press briefing when asked to comment on reports that the Hungarian government rejected a common EU position on the "summit".

Wang said Hungary's move shows once again that the U.S. instigation of division and confrontation under the pretext of democracy finds no support and is met with widespread opposition from the international community.

Despite the opposition, the United States obstinately continues to engage in political manipulation under the banner of democracy and claims it "intends to host the summit with humility," Wang added.

He noted that the United States puts together a summit in the name of democracy without consulting the international community or coordinating with the United Nations or other international bodies.

"Is this called 'humility'?" Wang asked.

He continued to point out that the United States puts half of the world's countries into a category of so-called "non-democracies" with its own yardstick, and it has launched military interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and other countries in the name of democracy, leading to hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths and displacing tens of millions.

"Instead of learning lessons and correcting its mistakes, the United States has even gone further to instrumentalize and weaponize democracy, by openly convening this so-called 'summit for democracy' to incite division and confrontation for its geopolitical strategy and gains. Is this called 'humility'?"

"No matter how the United States glosses over itself, its true face of seeking hegemony under the guise of democracy has long been exposed to the world. The so-called 'summit for democracy' will only go down in history as a manipulator and saboteur of democracy," he said. 


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