
China, Japan agree to manage maritime differences, safeguard maritime stability

2021-12-21 08:04:52Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China and Japan have agreed to properly manage maritime contradictions and differences, earnestly safeguard maritime security and stability, and make the East China Sea become a sea of peace, cooperation and friendship.

The agreement was reached during the 13th round of high-level consultations on maritime affairs held via video link on Monday.

The two sides held a plenary meeting and three working group meetings on maritime defense, maritime law enforcement and security, and the marine economy.

Both sides agreed to focus on building China-Japan relationship that meets the requirements for the new era, fully implement the important consensus reached by the two countries' leaders and four-point principled consensus.

The two sides reached consensus on conducting cooperation on combating maritime crimes, promoting exchanges between law enforcement officers, and enhancing marine environmental protection.

The Chinese side reiterated its solemn position on the Diaoyu Islands and other issues, and urged the Japanese side to earnestly respect China's territorial sovereignty, maritime rights and interests, and stop taking actions that complicate the situation.

China also expressed dissatisfaction with Japan's negative actions in the East China Sea and the South China Sea, which affected air and maritime security, and made representations on Japan's wrong words and deeds on the Taiwan Strait.

The Chinese side stressed firm opposition to external forces' intervention in the Taiwan Strait and urged the Japanese side to be cautious in words and actions to avoid affecting regional peace and stability.

The two sides agreed in principle to hold the 14th round of high-level consultations on maritime affairs in the first half of next year. 


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