
HKSAR gov't strongly refutes 'Five Eyes' countries' smear on LegCo election

2021-12-21 16:30:57Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Administrative Region (HKSAR) said on Tuesday that it strongly opposes to the Five Eyes Alliance countries' attempt to smear against the election of the seventh-term Legislative Council (LegCo) of the HKSAR.

Allegations contrary to facts and without basis were made up to smear against the election in a joint statement by the foreign ministers of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Britain as well as the U.S. secretary of state, a spokesman for the HKSAR government said.

The improvement to the electoral system of the HKSAR fully implements the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong," the spokesman said in a statement, adding that it ensures that LegCo members are patriotic and love Hong Kong, while acting in the interests of the country's development and Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability.

The spokesman said that elected legislators come from different backgrounds and across the political spectrum, and such diversity showcases the broad representation and political inclusiveness of the improved electoral system.

The legislators have been returned by the Election Committee constituency, functional constituencies, and geographical constituencies through direct elections. By balancing the overall interests of Hong Kong, the interests of different sectors and districts, the election ensures balanced participation, said the spokesman, adding that the healthy competitions among candidates reflected the fairness and competitiveness of the new electoral system.

With the support of the central government and the safeguards of the national security law in Hong Kong and the improved electoral system, Hong Kong's democratic development will progress in a lawful and orderly manner in accordance with the Basic Law of the HKSAR, the spokesman said.

The spokesman stressed that any external or internal destructive force and political conspiracy trying to interfere with the HKSAR's democratic development in accordance with the Basic Law will not succeed.

The spokesman said that chaos stopped and stability has been restored in Hong Kong following the implementation of the national security law in Hong Kong.

The national security law in Hong Kong ensures the resolute, full and faithful implementation of "one country, two systems," "Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong" and a high degree of autonomy, the spokesman said, adding that under the law, the legitimate rights and freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong residents under the Basic Law are well-protected.

According to the spokesman, law-abiding people will not unwittingly violate the national security law in Hong Kong as the categories of offences endangering national security stipulated under the law are clearly defined. 


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