
Nation moves ahead with ambitious climate goals(3)

2022-01-07 08:24:58China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A worker tends a Yangtze finless porpoise at a national nature reserve in Tongling, Anhui, before the mammal leaves for a new home in Hubei province. (Photo by Zhan Jun/For China Daily)

The action plan unveiled in late October outlines key tasks to enable the nation's carbon dioxide emissions to peak before 2030, including promoting green and low-carbon transportation, advancing a circular economy and supporting technological innovation.

According to the plan, China will develop a unified and standardized carbon emissions statistical accounting system, improve laws, regulations and standards, optimize economic policies, and establish sound market mechanisms as part of its efforts to enhance policy support for its climate goals.

The NDRC said the office of the leading group is accelerating its work on the policy system.

Multiple documents are expected to smoothly connect"1 N" with "clear targets, rationally distributed tasks and effective measures", it said.

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