
New York City mayor asks White House to apologize to Asian Americans for Trump's remarks on COVID-19: Bloomberg

2022-01-07 08:31:31Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download
Special: Battle Against Novel Coronavirus

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has urged the White House to make a public apology to Asian Americans for calling COVID-19 the "China virus" and other remarks former President Donald Trump made to have stoked anti-Asian hate, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday.

"The president (Joe Biden) right now should stand up and say, on behalf of the American people, 'We apologize to the Chinese community,'" Adams told a press conference in Lower Manhattan on Tuesday.

"I'm hoping he'll say to the Chinese residents of this country that we apologize for what was said and what was done. We've turned people against the Chinese community during COVID," he added.

During the press conference, the mayor announced a series of initiatives to help small businesses in Chinatown and other parts of the city, according to the report.

The official also mentioned that he would send a formal letter to Biden on Tuesday and that "we will never allow the Oval Office to be used to attack people in our country." 


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