
Xi calls on world to follow logic of historical progress, ride tide of times

2022-01-17 18:34:31Xinhua Editor : Liu Yimeng ECNS App Download

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday called on the world to "move forward by following the logic of historical progress, and develop by riding the tide of development of our times."

Xi made the remarks in a special address at the 2022 World Economic Forum virtual session.

Citing a Chinese saying "the momentum of the world either flourishes or declines; the state of the world either progresses or regresses," Xi noted that the world is always developing through the movement of contradictions, and the history of humanity is a history of achieving growth by meeting various tests and of developing by overcoming various crises.

He said the world should learn from comparing long history cycles, and see the change in things through the subtle and minute.

"We need to foster new opportunities amidst crises, open up new horizons on a shifting landscape, and pool great strength to go through difficulties and challenges," he said. 


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