
Swedish skier tests positive for COVID-19 one week before squad leaves for Beijing

2022-01-21 13:06:13Xinhua Editor : Zhao Li ECNS App Download
Special: 2022 Winter Olympics

The Swedish cross-country skiing squad has been hit by COVID-19 only one week before traveling to Beijing for the Winter Olympics, Swedish Television reported on Thursday.

Leo Johansson, 22, has tested positive in connection with a high-altitude training camp in Italy. The team manager said there is still hope that Johansson will recover, but was also worried that other skiers may fall ill.

"He has not developed any symptoms and since he feels ok, we are hopeful it will be sorted out," Anders Bystrom told Swedish Television.

However, Johanson will only be allowed to travel to the Olympics if he tests negative four times within the next five days.

"Now we are worried that someone else may test positive even though they don't have any symptoms," Bystrom said.

The 16 cross-country skiers who have been selected to represent Sweden are scheduled to travel to Beijing on January 27.

The Swedish Olympic Committee has so far announced the names of 114 athletes who will take part in the Winter Olympics.

The committee's team manager Peter Reinebo recently said that he expected the squad to leave Beijing with a record number of medals.

"Our goal is to make it Sweden's strongest Winter Olympics of all times," Reinebo said in a press release.

The 2014 Olympics in Sochi are Sweden's most successful Winter Olympics to date in terms of the number of medals - 15.

However, the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang is regarded as Sweden's greatest success as seven of the 14 medals were golden. 

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