
China calls for diplomatic settlement of Ukraine issue

2022-02-24 08:07:18Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China on Wednesday urged all parties to stay cool-headed and find a solution to the Ukraine issue through negotiations.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying made the remarks at a daily press briefing.

"Sanctions are never fundamentally effective means to solve problems, and China always opposes all illegal unilateral sanctions," Hua said in response to a query on the recently announced sanctions against Russia for its actions toward Ukraine.

"Have U.S. sanctions solved any problems? Is the world a better place because of those sanctions?" she asked, adding illegal unilateral sanctions imposed by countries like the United States have caused severe difficulties to the economy and people's livelihood in relevant countries.

Hua said that on the Ukraine issue, lately the United States has been sending weapons to Ukraine, pushing up tensions, creating panic and even hyping up the possibility of war. It has been pouring oil on the flame and acted irresponsibly and immorally. She called the United States the culprit of the current tensions surrounding Ukraine.

"Under the current circumstances, the door to a peaceful solution of the Ukraine issue has not been completely closed," Hua said, noting that the Russian side has repeatedly stated that it has no intention of waging war against Ukraine and stands ready to hold dialogues with relevant parties on Ukraine's accession to NATO.

Hua stressed that China hopes relevant parties remain calm and rational, and commit themselves to peacefully resolving relevant issues through negotiation in accordance with the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter.

China will continue to promote peace talks in its own way, and it welcomes and encourages all efforts that would contribute to a diplomatic settlement, Hua said.

"The United States must not harm the legitimate rights and interests of China and other countries when dealing with the Ukraine issue and relations with Russia," Hua said. 


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