
China mulls setting up anti-doping agency in sports law overhaul

2022-04-18 14:40:31Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Chinese lawmakers are considering setting up an anti-doping agency at the national level as they deliberate a draft law revision that takes a tougher stance against drug use in sports.

The draft revision to the Law on Physical Culture and Sports was on Monday returned to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the top legislature, for a second reading.

The state shall establish an anti-doping agency, and the agency and its staff shall conduct inspections in accordance with legal procedures, the draft says, adding that relevant organizations and individuals must cooperate with the inspections.

Sports administration of the State Council shall work with the cabinet's drug regulator, health commission, commerce ministry and customs administration to issue a catalog of banned substances and keep it updated, according to the draft.

It also says that the state will encourage research on anti-doping technologies. 


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