
President replies to London students

2022-04-22 08:21:29China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

The file photo shows a wind power plant in Zhangjiakou, North China's Hebei province. (Photo/Xinhua)

China's unprecedented level of action on climate change has already resulted in remarkable outcomes, and the nation will continue to make greater achievements in this regard, President Xi Jinping said in a letter published on Thursday.

In a letter of reply to primary school students from the Francis Holland School in London, Xi said Chinese society has been asked to work hard to safeguard nature and the environment, and the nation has proactively promoted green development and endeavored to build a beautiful China.

He pointed out that the Earth is a big family, and human beings, as a community, must work together to respond to climate change, the common challenge faced by mankind.

Xi said the Chinese nation has respected and loved nature since ancient times, and he has always attached importance to the issue of climate change.

He said he has always underscored that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, a concept that has been embraced by the Chinese people.

Schools of different levels and types in China have given strong priority to education on ecological civilization, and primary school students develop good habits in terms of energy conservation and environmental protection and embrace green and low-carbon lifestyles, he said.

Xi said the students are welcome to have the opportunity to come to China, and visit the world's largest wind-power and solar-power plants, the most extensive planted forests and scenic national parks.

He also encouraged the students to exchange ideas with their Chinese counterparts and to firm up their faith in green development and, when they grow up, they will become active builders of a better home for mankind.

The fourth-graders of the Francis Holland School recently wrote to Xi to express their concern about climate change.


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