
Russia asks U.S. to stop arming Ukraine

2022-04-26 07:59:29Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Russia has sent a diplomatic note to the United States calling on Washington to stop supplying Kiev with weapons, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said Monday.

Last week, U.S. President Joe Biden announced that the United States will provide Ukraine with additional security assistance worth 800 million U.S. dollars to bolster its defense against Russia's military operation.

Antonov noted that Washington's decision did not contribute to finding a diplomatic solution to the ongoing crisis.

Russia "emphasized the unacceptability of the situation where the United States is pumping weapons into Ukraine and demanded an end to this practice," local media reported citing Antonov.

The ambassador said the United States was "aggravating the situation" and "adding fuel to the fire" with its actions, ultimately causing more deaths due to their supply of weapons.

According to the diplomat, the United States has not yet responded to Russia's note. 


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