
Dynamic 'zero-COVID' approach effective in China's anti-epidemic work

2022-04-29 15:45:16Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download
Special: Battle Against Novel Coronavirus

China's dynamic "zero-COVID" approach has proved effective in the country's counter-epidemic work over the past two years, a Chinese health official said Friday.

By pursuing its dynamic "zero-COVID" approach, China has managed to safeguard people's lives and well-being, and has minimized the epidemic's impact on economic and social development to the largest extent, said Li Bin, deputy head of the National Health Commission.

At a Friday press conference, Li noted that currently, cluster infections in regions including Jilin have been contained, and the work to clear community-level infections in Shanghai is progressing well. Nationwide, the current wave of epidemic is diminishing amid fluctuations.

"The dynamic 'zero-COVID' approach remains the best option for the country to coordinate epidemic control and economic and social development," said Li.

Li reiterated that the approach does not aim to eliminate all infections nationwide. He added that the country has accumulated considerable experience in its counter-epidemic work, and will further fine-tune its approach as the situation evolves. 


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