
China tightens measures to prevent import of monkeypox virus

2022-05-31 08:28:01Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China's customs authorities have made efforts to prevent the import of the monkeypox virus through ports while the country is striving to fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, the General Administration of Customs (GAC) said on Monday.

The GAC has organized experts to conduct a risk assessment, issued alerts about the monkeypox virus, and taken strict measures including body temperature monitoring and medical inspection for inbound travelers.

Customs authorities have strengthened the quarantine of inbound goods and rodents, as well as enhanced biosafety management of laboratories and made solid preparations for testing, said the GAC.

The GAC also coordinated with other government departments to strictly prevent the risk of imported cases.

Outbound and inbound travelers should voluntarily report to customs officers if they feel sick or have symptoms of fever, headache, sore muscles or erythra, said the GAC. 


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