
U.S. urged to stop fabricating, spreading lies and rumors to smear China

2022-06-01 08:18:04Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian on Tuesday urged the United States to stop fabricating and spreading lies and rumors of all kinds to smear and denigrate China, and stop interfering in China's internal affairs in the name of so-called human rights issues.

In a recent speech, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken slandered China on issues related to Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong.

In response, Zhao told a daily news briefing that the denigrating accusations about "genocide", "crimes against humanity" and "detention camps" in Xinjiang in Blinken's speech are nothing but the biggest lies of the century.

Zhao said China has repeatedly clarified the truth by presenting facts on that. Since the peaceful liberation of Tibet more than 70 years ago, Tibet has witnessed economic prosperity, social harmony, and religious and cultural development. Since the implementation of the Law on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the so-called "beautiful sight to behold" in the eyes of certain U.S. politicians has vanished.

"All the lies mongered by the U.S. side have been shattered in front of facts and truth time and again. The more desperate the U.S. politicians are in repeating such lies as 'genocide,' the more will be exposed about their bullying and hypocritical nature, the more the U.S. credibility and reputation will be corrupted and the stronger indignation will be triggered among the Chinese against the U.S. acts," he said.

He stressed that all these accusations the United States is pinning on China mirror exactly its original sins and numerous crimes that cannot be washed away. "Speaking of the original sins, the American Indians are still living in scattered reservations after surviving the brutal past of genocide and crimes against humanity. African Americans were subject to forced labor in cotton plantations, and still 'cannot breathe' today."

He said there is much more about the egregious crimes of the United States. To be specific, the resigned COVID-19 policy of the U.S. government has cost more than one million lives, a price for its irresponsibility and inability. The continuous shootings in the United States, which claim more than 110 lives a day on average, have broken not only the so-called American dream, but also the hearts of millions of Americans.

The United States has wantonly invaded and interfered militarily in other countries, killing over 800,000 people and turning more than 20 million into refugees in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, he added.

"I wonder in what position the U.S. officials are to criticize China in a patronizing and brazen manner?" Zhao said.

He urged the United States to earnestly respect China's sovereignty, security and development interests, stop fabricating and spreading lies and rumors of all kinds to smear and denigrate China, and stop interfering in China's internal affairs in the name of so-called human rights issues.

"The United States should face squarely to its deplorable human rights track record, stop acting like a condescending lecturer and keep its own house in order," Zhao said. 


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