
China passes new law to strengthen black soil protection

2022-06-24 11:30:24Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China's top legislature on Friday passed a law on black soil conservation, as part of efforts to ensure the country's grain security and protect the ecosystem.

The law, adopted after a vote at the closing meeting of the 35th standing committee session of the 13th National People's Congress, addresses the country's need for measures designed to specifically protect the black soil.

The black soil, or chernozem soil, found in China's northeastern provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning and in some parts of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, produces about a quarter of the country's total grain output, making it crucial to China's food supply.

However, excessive reclamation has eroded the soil's nutrients and its chernozem layer is thinning out, posing a threat to the country's ecological security and sustainable agricultural development.

Consisting of 38 provisions, the law specifies the responsibilities of the government and "agricultural production operators" to protect the black soil.

The law will take effect on Aug. 1, 2022. 


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