
Former Japanese PM Abe shows no sign of life after being shot

2022-07-08 12:13:53Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe collapsed and showed sign of life after being shot on Friday during a speech in the western city of Nara, local media reported.

A gunshot was heard on site and Abe was seen bleeding after he was shot from behind by an unidentified man with a gun, according to the police.

Abe, 67, was rushed to a nearby hospital and showed no vital signs, according to local police.

The police also said they captured the man and were questioning him.

The assailant was arrested on the suspicion of attempted murder by the Nara police at the scene, according to local media.

The incident happened as the former leader of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party was on a tour to Nara as part of campaigning for the House of Councillors election scheduled for on Sunday. 


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