
PLA operations around Taiwan a deterrent to collusion between separatists and external forces: spokesperson

2022-08-11 08:30:48Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

The military operations of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) around the Taiwan Island were righteous and necessary countermeasures to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, said a spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense Wednesday.

The operations also acted as a deterrent against the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces' collusion with external forces in making provocations, said Tan Kefei, the ministry's spokesperson.

He made the remarks in response to media reports in Taiwan claiming that the mainland's military operations restricted Taiwan's strategic space.

The relevant exercises and training were open, transparent, professional, and followed domestic and international laws as well as international practice, Tan said.

"For the sake of the wellbeing of people in Taiwan, we will work with the greatest sincerity and exert our utmost efforts to achieve peaceful reunification. But the PLA will leave no room for separatist activities of 'Taiwan independence' and external interference in any form," he said.

Ignoring the interests of the Chinese nation in exchange for gains of their own, the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces have embarked on a road of no return, he said.

Currently, cross-Strait relations are again facing two options that will lead to two different futures, the Taiwan authorities should make the right choice, Tan said. 


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