
Chinese envoy calls for improvement in cross-line humanitarian aid in Syria

2022-09-15 08:14:41Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A Chinese envoy on Wednesday called for improvement in the cross-line delivery of humanitarian aid in Syria.

Since Security Council Resolution 2642 was adopted more than two months ago, only one cross-line delivery has been completed in Northwest Syria, with no improvement in terms of efficiency and scale, said Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations.

"I would like to reiterate that the cross-border relief modality is only a temporary arrangement made under exceptional circumstances. The transition to cross-line relief operations needs to be accelerated. A clear timetable should be set for the eventual termination of cross-border delivery," he told a Security Council meeting on Syria.

Syria's permanent representative to the United Nations wrote twice to the president of the Security Council in September, condemning the attacks on the airports in Damascus and Aleppo. These airports are important cross-line transfer hubs of humanitarian supplies. Attacks on humanitarian infrastructure must cease immediately, he said.

At present, Syria is still facing a complex security situation. The international community should adopt a unified standard on the basis of international law and Security Council resolutions to combat all terrorist forces in Syria with zero tolerance. Actions that condone, harbor or exploit terrorist forces for political interests must stop, said Geng.

The sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria must be respected. In the absence of the consent of the Syrian government, illegally stationing troops in Syria or even setting up military bases in the country constitute a serious violation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Such acts are in no way defending and acting strictly in accordance with the UN Charter, he said.

The Syrian-led and Syrian-owned political process is the only way to resolve the Syrian issue. China welcomes the sustained efforts of UN Special Envoy Geir Pedersen and his team to promote the political process in Syria. China hopes that the parties concerned will engage constructively with the United Nations to properly resolve the differences relating to the small body of the Constitutional Committee, with a view to reconvening at an early date and making substantial progress, he said.

Pedersen has put forth a step-for-step approach, which is conducive to creating favorable conditions for the political process. China supports his continued communication with the parties in this regard, Geng said. 


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