
China establishes climate conservatory in Qinling Mountains

2022-11-17 08:24:17Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

The China Meteorological Administration has announced that it will establish a climate observatory in the Qinling Mountains in northwest China's Shaanxi Province.

Located in the city of Shangluo, the observatory aims to conduct scientific research regarding climate change and the precipitation mechanism of the mountain range.

A natural boundary between China's north and south regions, the Qinling Mountains form a watershed between the basins of the country's two "mother rivers" -- the Yellow River and the Yangtze River.

Due to the complexity of their terrain, the Qinling Mountains are highly sensitive to global climate change, and are of special climatic, geographical and biological value.

The administration said that over the next seven years, the observatory will introduce an all-weather, high-resolution and multi-layer climate monitoring system, with a focus on climate warning, assessment and analysis processes.


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