
China issues guideline on advancing vocational education reform

2022-12-22 08:04:39Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Chinese authorities have issued a guideline to advance reform and high-quality development of vocational education.

It aims to enhance the capacities of vocational schools and increase the quality, adaptability, and appeal of vocational education to train more high-caliber technicians and skilled workers, said the document. It was made public by the general offices of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council on Wednesday.

The reform of the country's vocational education will focus on developing a multi-form, multi-channel, and sustainable education and training system and a cooperation mechanism among governments, industries, enterprises, and schools.

Priority will be given to vocational education for industries such as information technology, numerically-controlled machine tools and robots, aviation and space equipment manufacturing, and biomedicine. Leading enterprises and vocational schools in these industries are encouraged to enhance cooperation.

More efforts will be made to raise faculty capacity in vocational schools for modern manufacturing, modern agriculture, and modern service sectors.

The guideline promised more policy support for vocational education. Local governments are encouraged to explore new cooperation mechanisms with the private sector and attract more private and industrial investment in vocational education. Financial institutions are welcome to offer services and support, the document said. 


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