
PLA Navy destroyer completes multinational exercise

2023-02-16 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

CNS Nanning, a destroyer of the People's Liberation Army Navy, has set sail for the Gulf of Aden to join the 43rd escort fleet after taking part in a multinational naval exercise in Pakistan, the PLA Navy said on Wednesday.

The Nanning, a Type 052D-class guided-missile destroyer, left Karachi on Tuesday (local time) and then embarked on its journey toward the Gulf of Aden.

The warship took part in a two-day live-fire exercise on Monday and Tuesday, part of the AMAN-23 multinational maritime exercise hosted by Pakistan.

During the exercise, the Nanningfired its guns to hit mock targets on the sea.

Some 50 countries participated in the AMAN-23 exercise with ships, aircraft, special operations forces and a large number of observers.

China began dispatching naval ships in December 2008 to carry out vessel protection operations in the Gulf of Aden and waters off Somalia.


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