
Iranian president says China visit 'successful'

2023-02-17 16:26:04Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on Thursday described his state visit to China as "very successful and fruitful."

Raisi made the remarks in an address to reporters upon arrival in Tehran from his Beijing visit, according to the website of the Iranian president's office.

Noting that he held meetings with Chinese leaders, Raisi said the strategic level of the two countries' communication had given a strategic aspect to bilateral talks so that the two countries could pursue the issues of common interest.

He said Iran's foreign policy is to build trust in neighbors and economic convergence in Asia, emphasizing that "the trip to China was very important in order for Iran to play an effective role in the field of regional and global economic and commercial issues, because China is one of the world's largest economies that plays an important role in the field of trade in Asia and the international stage."

The Iranian president noted that another topic of the talks of this trip was related to the cooperation between Iran and China in international organizations.

During his visit, the two sides held numerous meetings and negotiations at different levels, and Raisi also met with Chinese business executives, as well as Chinese intellectuals and academics, which he hailed as "significant" and "effective."

Raisi arrived in China on Tuesday for a three-day state visit. 


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