
China to issue commemorative coins featuring world cultural, natural heritages

2023-03-27 08:19:14Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China's central bank will issue commemorative coins on April 7 featuring two of the country's world heritage sites -- Mount Huangshan and Mount Emei, including the Giant Buddha of Leshan.

These coins, with the denomination of five yuan (about 0.72 U.S. dollars), are made of brass alloy and square shaped with rounded edges, according to the People's Bank of China (PBOC).

The coins will feature the national emblem on the obverse, along with the country name and decorative patterns of Mount Huangshan and Mount Emei.

The reverses are inscribed with different patterns including the Guest-Greeting Pine, a famous landmark on Huangshan Mountain and the Giant Buddha of Leshan.

There will be a circulation of 120 million coins, according to the PBOC.

China's commemorative coins of the world cultural and natural heritage were first issued in 2002, including well-known scenic spots in the country, like the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and the classical Chinese gardens in Suzhou. 


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