
State Council's themed study session looks at high-quality development

2023-04-24 08:23:51China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

The State Council, China's Cabinet, held its first-ever themed study session on Sunday, presided over by Premier Li Qiang, with the focus on new development philosophy and high-quality development.

Wang Changlin, president of the Academy of Macroeconomic Research in Beijing, made a presentation about the theme at the meeting. Vice-premiers He Lifeng and Zhang Guoqing and State Councilor Shen Yiqin voiced their views on the topic.

Chairing the meeting, Premier Li underlined the need to have an in-depth understanding — from both holistic and strategic perspectives — of the significance of high-quality development in building a modern socialist country in all respects.

He called for efforts to advance high-quality development by adhering to the innovative, coordinated, green and open development with benefits shared by all.

Li underscored the need to resolutely deepen reform and opening-up, transform the development mode, step up the construction of a modern industrial system and take substantial measures to ensure and improve people's well-being.

The premier also urged faithful implementation of the decisions and policies of the Communist Party of China Central Committee in order to achieve new progress in promoting high-quality development.

As the CPC is carrying out a Partywide thematic education campaign on studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Li said the education campaign can serve as an opportunity to conduct extensive research and investigation, improve working style and conduct, and take innovative measures to truly address problems.

After Li became premier in March, the State Council established a rule that requires holding a regular study session among its senior officials. In general, such a meeting will be held once every two months.


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