
'Salute boy' shines in gaokao, looks forward to college life

2023-06-25 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A child famous for saluting his PLA rescuers following the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake is set to embark on a new journey of life.

Lang Zheng, who is known as "Salute Boy", is looking forward to college life after receiving invitations from two of the country's top universities, CCTV news reported on Saturday.

The teenager scored 637 in the gaokao, or the national college entrance exam, making him one of the top 30 scorers in Sichuan province.

With a passion for literature, history and international politics, Lang said he planned to apply for schools and majors based on his interests.

The boy touched the nation's heart in the aftermath of the deadly 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake.

As Lang was lying on a stretcher among the rubble waiting to be moved, the 3-year-old gave a military salute to the People's Liberation Army soldiers as they approached. The moment was captured on camera, and prompted an outpouring of concern from people of all walks of life.

Lang Zheng. (Photo/CNR)

Despite fading memories of the earthquake, today Lang remains grateful for those who helped him and enabled his hometown to rise from ashes.

Lang said whichever school he is going to attend, he will strive to become a person of value to the society and repay the kindness he has received.

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