
Former vice-minister of commerce: China has more tools for countermeasures against US export controls

2023-07-05 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China's export restrictions on gallium and germanium is just the beginning, and the country has more tools for countermeasures if Washington plans tougher technology restrictions on Beijing, said Wei Jianguo, former vice-minister of commerce.

Wei said in an exclusive interview with China Daily that the decision to restrict the export of industrial products and materials containing gallium and germanium has been made after thoughtful consideration, which will not only cause panic in certain countries, but also exert heavy pain in them.

The comments came after China's Ministry of Commerce said on Monday that the country will impose export restrictions starting on August 1 to protect its national security and interests. Gallium and germanium are important raw materials for the semiconductor industry.

Wei said: "This is just the beginning of China's countermeasures, and China's tool box has many more types of measures available. If the high-tech restrictions on China become tougher in the future, China's countermeasures will also escalate."

Foreign media including the Wall Street Journal quoted anonymous sources as saying that the US plans to place tougher restrictions on AI chip exports to China.

"Any attempt to promote decoupling through hegemonism, including suppressing Chinese enterprises, will ultimately be a stone thrown at one's own feet," Wei said.


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