
Discharge move a risk imposed on world, FM says

2023-07-07 09:52:06China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Japan's decision to discharge nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean is an unprecedented risk full of uncertainties and should not be imposed on the global society, China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Thursday.

Wang said the international community is fully justified in expressing concern and dissatisfaction with Japan's discharge plan, given the uncertainties regarding the effectiveness and long-term reliability of the purification facilities.

He said the Japanese side is "more concerned about reducing economic costs rather than protecting the marine environment and human health" when considering possible discharge plans.

"By choosing an option with the lowest economic cost, Japan transfers the risk of nuclear contamination to the entire world," Wang said. He added that such an approach that prioritizes money over human life and health will undoubtedly be opposed by the international community.

He also said the Japanese government's decision to discharge nuclear-contaminated water into the sea was a predetermined one that lacks full consultation with stakeholders.

"The discharge proposal was approved regardless of strong opposition from the international community, especially neighboring countries, …which reflects Japan's selfishness and arrogance," Wang said.

He added that Japan inviting the International Atomic Energy Agency to Fukushima for an assessment was nothing but a charade.

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