
China and Saudi Arabia together combat desertification

2023-07-11 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A conference is held in Lanzhou, Gansu province to promote China-Saudi Arabia cooperation in green industry development and combating desertification on July 6, 2023. (Photo/

A conference was held in Lanzhou, Gansu province on Thursday to promote China-Saudi Arabia cooperation in green industry development and combating desertification.

With similar climate and geographic features, Gansu and Saudi Arab are confronted with desertification problems. During the conference, they exchanged experience in combating desertification and expressed desires for cooperation.

Saleh Khabti, deputy minister of the Ministry of Investment of Saudi Arabia, said it is because of their similar situation that it is easy to understand this problem and most of the cooperation projects are related to desertification prevention and control.

In response to national dual carbon goals and Gansu's energy shortage, Gansu has also established a new energy equipment manufacturing system that consists of fan manufacturing, photovoltaic modules and energy storage batteries.

So far, it has endeavored to develop dry farming and water-saving agriculture, promoting water-saving methods in irrigation areas, water-collection in arid areas, and water-interception in cold and humid areas.

Thanks to these measures, Gansu has effectively improved water resources utilization efficiency and its output efficiency, making ecology restoration and modern agriculture development a reality.


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