
Defense minister to travel to Russia, Belarus during six-day trip

2023-08-14 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China's defense minister will attend a security conference in Moscow and visit Belarus during a six-day trip, the Ministry of National Defense announced on Monday afternoon.

At the invitations of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin, State Councilor and Defense Minister Li Shangfu will participate in the 11th Moscow International Security Conference in Russia and travel to Belarus from Monday to Saturday, said Wu Qian, Defense Ministry spokesman.

Li will deliver a keynote speech at the security conference and hold meetings with defense leaders from Russia and other countries, he said.

During the visit to Belarus, the minister will also meet and hold talks with leaders of the Belarusian government and military, and visit military units in Belarus, the spokesman said.


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