
Premier calls on Europe to provide fair business environment

2023-09-11 08:04:46China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Premier Li Qiang has called for abandoning the practice of politicizing economic issues, urging European countries to provide a fair, just and nondiscriminatory business environment for Chinese companies in their markets.

Li made the statement while holding a series of bilateral meetings with leaders of European countries and the European Union in New Delhi, India, on the sidelines of the G20 Summit on Saturday and Sunday.

During his meeting with United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Sunday, Li said both countries should uphold open cooperation and maintain and expand common interests.

He urged the UK to oppose politicizing economic issues and trade, and strive to build an open world economy, safeguard the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization at its core, and ensure the stable and smooth operation of global industrial and supply chains.

Both sides should properly handle differences, uphold the spirit of inclusiveness and mutual learning, and respect each other's core interests and major concerns, he added.

Sunak said the UK respects China's history and culture and attaches great importance to China's role in the international system.

The UK is willing to engage in constructive and frank dialogue with China, strengthen practical cooperation in the fields of economy, trade and technology, among others, properly handle differences, jointly address global challenges such as climate change, and build a stable and mutually beneficial UK-China relationship, he said.

When meeting with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Li underlined the need for China and Italy to expand bilateral trade for mutual development, and strengthen communication and coordination within the G20 to jointly safeguard the security and stability of global industrial and supply chains.

China will further open up its market to create more opportunities for high-quality Italian products to enter, Li said. He expressed the hope that Italy will provide a fair, just and nondiscriminatory business environment for Chinese companies to invest and do business in the country.

Meloni said that Italy is willing to strengthen exchanges and dialogues with China under the bilateral framework, promoting further deepening of cooperation between the two countries.

While meeting with President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen on Saturday, Li warned against politicizing economic issues or using security as an excuse to block economic cooperation.

He said that win-win cooperation is the foundation of China-EU relations. As two major forces in a multipolar world and two engines for global development, China and the EU should further unite and cooperate to counter the uncertainties of the world with a stable bilateral relationship, he said.

China is willing to work with the EU to hold the China-EU Leaders' Meeting later this year, deepen mutual trust, properly handle differences through communication and consultation, and jointly make more positive contributions to global peace and development, said the premier.

He pointed out that risk prevention and cooperation are not contradictory to each other, and interdependence should not be equated with insecurity.

Noting that China is willing to strengthen communication and cooperation with the EU for reliable and stable economic and trade ties, the premier expressed the hope that the EU will uphold the principles of market economy and fair competition, maintain an open trade and investment market, and provide a fair, transparent and nondiscriminatory environment for Chinese enterprises to invest and do business in Europe.

Von der Leyen spoke positively about the fruitful exchanges between the EU and China this year, saying the EU is willing to enhance dialogue and cooperation with China in various fields and jointly address global challenges such as climate change.

Li also met with European Council President Charles Michel in New Delhi on Sunday.


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