
Li: Beijing set to strengthen relationships

2023-10-17 08:19:39China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Chinese Premier Li Qiang holds a welcoming ceremony for Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban prior to their talks at the Northern Hall of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Oct 16, 2023.(Photo by Wang Zhuangfei/

Premier calls for increased synergy with Hungarian, Ethiopian initiatives

Premier Li Qiang and visiting Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban pledged on Monday to increase pragmatic cooperation between China and Hungary, including boosting the synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and Hungary's "Opening to the East" policy, to deliver more benefits to the two peoples.

They witnessed the signing of an array of cooperation documents in joint construction of the Belt and Road as well as in the fields of investment, industry and information technology, education, customs, supply chains, digital economy and green development.

Orban arrived in Beijing on Sunday on an official visit and will also attend the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, which will be held in Beijing on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Li said that China and Hungary have achieved fruitful results in mutually beneficial cooperation in recent years. China is willing to work with Hungary to translate the consensus of the countries' leaders into concrete actions to be true friends who support each other, close companions who work together for shared prosperity and good partners who understand each other, he added.

The premier expressed the country's willingness to promote practical cooperation with Hungary in trade, investment, finance, culture and other fields, and push forward the Hungary-Serbia railway project.

Efforts should be made to expand cooperation in new energy, digital economy, artificial intelligence and other innovative fields, he said, adding that China is willing to strengthen multilateral communication and cooperation with Hungary to safeguard common interests.

China's development is an opportunity, not a challenge, for Europe, Li said, and it is a driving force, not a risk.

He expressed the hope that Hungary will continue to play a positive role in strengthening cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries.

Orban said the Hungary-China relationship has a solid foundation. Hungary has always adhered to the one-China principle and will continue to pursue a friendly policy toward China, he added.

Hungary will actively participate in the BRI, support mutual connectivity, openness and cooperation, and oppose decoupling and exclusiveness, he added.

On Monday, Li also held talks with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who arrived in Beijing on Monday for an official visit to China and will attend the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.

Li said China is willing to further promote traditional friendship with Ethiopia and the two countries should always be reliable friends and sincere partners.

The country is ready to expand pragmatic cooperation with Ethiopia in trade and investment, infrastructure connectivity and construction of industrial parks, support Ethiopia's industrialization and agricultural modernization process, and help the country enhance its development capabilities, he said.

Abiy said that China is Ethiopia's most trusted partner and friend.

Ethiopia appreciates China's strong and long-time support for its economic and social development, and always adheres to the one-China principle, he said.

Ethiopia is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with China within the frameworks of the BRICS mechanism and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, he added.

The two leaders witnessed the signing of several bilateral cooperation documents.


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