
China opposes abuse of trade remedy measures

2023-11-03 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China firmly opposes protectionist actions through the misuse of trade remedy measures, said the Ministry of Commerce at a news conference in Beijing.

In response to a question regarding the European Commission's latest plans to enhance the competitiveness of its wind power industry, including conducting a review on the development of China's wind power sector, Shu Jueting, the ministry's spokeswoman, said China. She added that the European Union is both committed to promoting green transformation and addressing climate change.

MOC spokeswoman Shu Jueting. (Photo/Ministry of Commerce)

Shu said that wind power equipment manufactured by Chinese companies has played a significant role in the EU's green transition and emission reduction efforts in recent years.

"Collaboration between companies from both sides in the wind power sector is advantageous for achieving mutual benefits, enhancing people's well-being and collectively addressing climate change," said Shu, adding China will closely monitor the subsequent actions taken by the EU.

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