
China passionate against safeguarding data security

2023-11-08 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China has attached great significance to safeguarding data security amid a three-year drive aimed at promoting information shared across medical institutions nationwide, a health official said on Tuesday.

Mao Qun'an, director of the National Health Commission's department of planning and information, said during a news conference that the commission, along with the Ministry of Finance and other government departments, has launched a three-year campaign this year to advance information sharing and exchanges between different health institutions so as to improve convenience of patients.

So far, China has basically completed building a consolidated health information platform covering the entire population, he said.

While continuing to improve the exchange of examination results and streamlining settlement of commercial healthcare insurance, Mao said intensified efforts will be made to ensure the safety of internet and data, and ensure that health data will not be leaked.

"Health authorities should formulate regulations regarding network and information security that fits the context of the healthcare sector," he said.

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