
Prominent Buddhist leader encourages monks to reduce dependency on technology

2023-11-27 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Panchen Erdeni Chos-kyi-rgyal-po— also known as Panchen Rinpoche — exhorted monks to reduce their dependence on electronic devices when performing their religious practices in daily life. This was among his key messages while conducting a series of religious activities in monasteries in Shigatse of Xizang autonomous region between Nov 20 and 24, China News Service reported.

Panchen Rinpoche, a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference National Committee, vice president of the Buddhist Association of China, and president of the association's Tibet branch, made the remarks during his visits to the Pokhang Monastery and Drangmejan Monastery of Panam county, and Lhading Temple of Namling county. He reminded the monks to have a more devout and respectful approach towards their religious meditation.

Over the past two years, Panchen Rinpoche has referred several times to how Tibetan Buddhist monks should view the convenience of mobile phones for studying and practicing scriptures, as well as the potential distractions they can cause.

"As practitioners, it is important for us to maintain a positive image while participating in religious ceremonies, studying teachings, and engaging in various Buddhist assemblies," Panchen Rinpoche was quoted as saying by the China News Service.

During the days when Panchen Rinpoche visited these religious sites in Shigatse, each site welcomed him with reverence in accordance with Tibetan Buddhism's highest traditions.

In return, Panchen Rinpoche was presented with mandalas by the monks. He imparted spiritual teachings and scriptures to the monks, bestowed blessings by touching their heads, and distributed blessings among them. Additionally, Panchen Rinpoche also sanctified the main hall and the newly constructed halls of these monasteries.


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